Why is jury service important?
The right to a trial by jury is
guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Tennessee Constitution.
Jury service is one the highest duties of American citizenship. In order to
assure this right is afforded to all individuals, it is necessary for people in
the community to be summoned to serve as jurors.
Serving as a juror will also give you
an opportunity to learn about the justice system and how your courts operate.
While it may require some adjustment of your normal schedule and routine, we
hope that any inconvenience will be minimal.
How are people called to jury service?
Jurors are chosen from a list of
eligible citizens provided by the State of Tennessee. Upon request from the
court, a specific number of jurors are randomly selected and a summons is
issued to those individuals.
Who can serve as a juror in Carter County?
In order to serve as a juror, you
must be a U.S. citizen, you must be 18 years of age or older, you must be a
Carter County resident. If you do not meet any of these criteria, please call
the Clerk�s office at 423-542-1835.
What should I do when I receive a summons in the mail?
Please read the entire summons
thoroughly. The summons will inform you of when, where, and how to report for
jury service. Additionally, you will follow the instructions on your summons to
complete your juror questionnaire. You will submit your completed questionnaire
electronically at http://myjurorinfo.com/CarterTN/.�
What will happen if I do not respond to my jury service?
In the event that you do not show up
on the date and time you are summoned to appear, you may be found in contempt
of court which is punishable by a fine and/or incarceration.
How late will I be at the courthouse each day?
The judges strive to end court daily
at 5:00PM; however the conclusion of court each day is subject to the
proceedings being heard in the courtrooms.
What do I wear to court and what can I bring with me?
Please remember that you are
entering a courthouse and that you may appear before a judge. Please use good
judgment and dress as you would in an office environment. The courtrooms may be
cold, so you may want to bring a sweater or jacket.
�Do not bring anything of value that you cannot
keep under your control as you move about the courthouse. The Jury Assembly
Room is kept open for jurors throughout the day.
Once you are in the
courtroom, you will need to devote all of your attention to the case. This
simply means you should not talk, read, or do any other activities. It is
important that you give your full attention to the court proceedings.
You may NOT bring any type of gun (hand gun or rifle), potential weapon or
explosive material, knives, forks, pepper spray, mace, aerosols, scissors,
knitting needles, or any sharp pointed item.
What should I do about my children?
Do not bring your children to the
courthouse. Also, please make appropriate arrangements for before and after
school transportation, and after-school activities.
I require frequent breaks, how should I handle this?
When you are in the Jury Assembly
Room you are free to move about as you wish and you may also step outside the
courthouse for a short break. When you are in the courtroom, you may raise your
hand for the bailiff and the Judge will try to accommodate your needs.
Are jurors paid and how long will I have to serve?
Trial (traverse) jurors will be paid
$10.00 per day for each day you are to report to the courthouse. It is possible
to serve as a juror on more than one trial.
Grand jurors are paid $10.00 per
day. Grand jurors serve for a nine-month term and are to report once every two
For all �GRAND Jurors, checks are usually mailed
the week immediately following your service week.All
others jurors are paid at the end of the 4 month term.